Put your iPod on shuffle and see what the soundtrack would be if your life was a movie.
Opening Credits: Scream - Avenged Sevenfold.
Waking Up: Számolj Rám - Supernem
Falling In Love: Dead Man's Ballet - Sixx A.M
Fight Song: Life Starts Now - Three Days Grace
Breaking Up: Polly - Nirvana
Life’s OK: There's No Sympathy For The Dead - Escape The Fate
Getting Back Together: Almost Easy - Avenged Sevenfold
Wedding: Baszd fel a kéket - Irie Maffia :'DD
Birth of Child: Az egyik ember (megeszi a másikat) - Quimby
Final Battle: Young - Hollywood Undead
Death Scene: Mit tennél - Supernem
Funeral Song: Reinventing The Wheel To Run Myself Over - Fall Out Boy (thnks Lizzie, így már OMÁJGÁG.)
End Credits: Victims of Love - Good Charlotte
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