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2012. január 6., péntek

Ösztönösen nyomom amíg hajt a vérem.

Csak úgy előre.Imádom a gifkéket, van külön mappájuk. ésés szeretés van :'DDDDD

A .gif you use to tell someone to “stfu”

A .gif of an animal

A .gif of your favorite friendship

A .gif of a couple

A .gif of your celebrity crush

A .gif that makes you laugh

A .gif of someone dancing

A .gif you send to your friends when they are being obnoxious

A .gif with subtitles

A .gif of a music video

A .gif of a musical artist

A .gif of an actor

A .gif of a celebrity

A .gif from a TV show

A .gif from a cartoon

A .gif of someone that is sad

A .gif of someone that is angry

A .gif of someone that is unamused

A .gif of someone that is excited

A .gif of someone that is crying 

A .gif of someone that is happy

Your favorite .gif

jaj egy csomó minden kimaradt *-* nembaj iderakom őket xD

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